EXCITING NEWS! To keep up to date with developments, you can now follow a blog at http://yoursay.footprintfriends.com/blogs/patrick_south_east_champ_08/default.aspx

From Downing Street to Holland!

If I’ve ever experienced a life-changing weekend, I think this one might be a pretty tough contender: casually popping into Downing Street, sprinting through the greenest streets of Amsterdam, and venturing out into the mist-ridden North Sea. I’ve met some of the most inspiring people I could hope to meet, and felt a tremendous urge to make a difference. I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but I can hardly begin to describe it.

Meeting the Prime Minister was, perhaps unsurprisingly, amazing. I’m pleased to say that he did appear genuinely concerned, and we’ll all wait with baited breath for his stance on the upcoming Climate Change Bill. With him plunging straight to the issue of refugees, it became clear that he sees it as a moral concern alongside a political one, and I’m distinctly optimistic that action is stirring behind that Number 10 door!

What really struck me from the whole experience is that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do when standing up to climate change. Teenagers, politicians – even houseboat owners – are striding forward in fantastic ways, and, having seen them, I can’t wait to do the same. I may have learnt a lot from last weekend, but it’s the rest of the year that will put it to the test. So I say... let’s be a force for change!